On the subway, head buried in book,
"It's not about a bird is it...?"
Me, pulling music out of ears, soft, fleet foxes,
"No" (not really wanting a chat)
"What's it about?"
Complete silence.
Then I decided that was too severe,
"And fate".
I've been waiting for so long for new work from writer Donna Tartt, one of my favourite authors...11 years to be specific.
And it was worth every moment. An amazing book about the timelessness of art and beauty, fate, our bonding ties and the tragedy and hopelessness of it all...but there is light, and like the golden winged little goldfinch in Carel Fabritius' painting, it shines through.
Toronto is blanketed with a thick layer of snow, after temperatures rose to 10 degrees yesterday, the sun sparkled and teased, I threw the windows of my studio open and breathed a deep sigh. Finally, it's over.
Not. so. fast.
I flipped on the radio to tune into CBC, and found out that yes indeed, a big snow storm is heading our way again.
And with that, I could curl up and weep at the sight of more, yes more snow, but I won't.
I flipped on my record player and spun some vinyl Johnny Cash, and enjoyed the crackle and pop of the recordings while I wrapped up the final pieces for my Spring work.
Today I spent all afternoon posting my Spring line to my Etsy page, a minimalist series of work that includes stark, graphic bronze cuffs, delicate minimalist necklaces and pieces that can be personalized. All of the new work can be viewed on my Etsy page:
I'm launching my Spring line of new work today anyway, right in the face of the snowstorm, because really Spring, she is but a few days away.